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Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.

Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.

Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.


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Quelea birds and food shortages in Africa

April 15, 2022 View:

Every autumn harvest season, millions or even tens of millions of red-billed queleas descend like locusts and fly into the farmland to peck at the crops. Although a single quelea can only eat about 10 grams of food, due to the large number, the amount of food spoiled by the birds can reach thousands of tons a day, and there are even comments that it indirectly caused famine in Africa. Therefore, local villagers even call them "feathered locusts". Local farmers have tried various methods, such as beating iron basins, to try to scare off the birds by sound, but with little effect.


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In the N'Djamena region of central Africa, hundreds of millions of red-billed queleas can be culled every year, and some governments have tried to spray pesticides, which temporarily controlled the number of red-billed queleas. According to the "Daily News" report, Moshi City Council official Butamo Ndalahava confirmed that the large-scale red-billed queleas finches pose a huge threat to the production of 2,135 hectares of crops, so it was necessary to " "kill" measures. The Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries allocated 325 litres of the poison to Moshi to remove the birds, which are harmful to crops. Because the poison has effects on humans and other animals, it is difficult to use as a long-term method.


In the savannahs of Africa, the red-billed queleas finches number 10 billion, the most numerous bird on the planet. How to effectly deter the farm birds without harming the environment? The laser bird deterrent can be used as an option. After experiments in Ghana and other countries in Africa, it has been proved that the green laser bird repellent can effectively removal the birds. Due to its long range of action, the handheld laser bird repellent can be used for the bird control work for large scale farms.


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