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Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.

Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.

Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.


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Why do farms need to strengthen bird control work in Spring

February 10, 2023 View:

Spring is a crucial time for farmers, as it marks the start of the growing season. However, this season also brings along a major challenge for farmers - bird control. Birds like crows, pigeons, and sparrows can cause severe damage to newly-planted crops, resulting in substantial losses for farmers. Below we will discuss the reasons why bird control is imperative in farmland during spring.

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Birds can cause significant damage to crops during the spring season in several ways:

1.   Direct consumption: Birds can consume large quantities of newly-planted crops, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, resulting in reduced yields and significant financial losses for farmers.

2.   Soil disturbance: Birds can cause soil disturbance by digging for insects and grubs, leading to soil erosion, compaction, and reduced plant growth.

3.   Disease spread: Some birds can carry diseases that can spread to crops and animals, causing widespread crop destruction and reducing yields.

4.   Contamination: Bird droppings can contain harmful bacteria and pathogens that can contaminate crops and soil, reducing the quality of produce and posing a risk to human health.

5.   Competition: Birds can compete with other wildlife, such as insects and small mammals, for food and habitat, leading to declines in native species populations and disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems.

In conclusion, bird control is a vital aspect of farming during the spring season. By protecting crops, preventing the spread of diseases, maintaining hygiene, and preserving biodiversity, bird control can help farmers maximize their yields and ensure food security for communities. There are various methods of bird control, including physical barriers, scare tactics, and humane traps, and farmers can choose the most effective method for their specific needs. By taking action to control bird populations in their fields, farmers can safeguard their livelihoods and ensure the health and safety of their communities.


1.    Physical barriers: Installing physical barriers such as bird netting, bird spikes, and wire mesh can effectively keep birds away from your crops. These barriers are an excellent option for protecting small plots or specific areas of concern.

2.    Visual deterrents: Visual deterrents like flags, streamers, and spinning devices can scare birds away from your crops. These deterrents work by making the area look uninviting or by creating a visual distraction.

3.    Audio deterrents: Audio deterrents like bird distress calls, alarm sounds, and predator calls can also be effective in scaring birds away from your crops. These deterrents work by mimicking the sounds of birds' natural predators or by playing distress calls that make birds feel vulnerable.

4.    Chemical repellents: Chemical repellents like bird repellent sprays and granules can be applied to crops to make them unappealing to birds. These repellents can be effective but need to be reapplied regularly, and they may have some environmental impacts.

5.    Habitat modification: Modifying the habitat around your farm can also be an effective way to reduce bird damage. For example, planting a border of tall trees or shrubs can create a physical barrier between your crops and birds, and reducing the amount of waste or food sources near your fields can reduce bird populations.

6.    Humane traps: Humane traps can be used to capture birds and then release them in a different location. This method is effective but requires a significant investment of time and resources.

7.    Laser bird deterrent: Laser bird deterrent refers to a device that uses laser technology to deter birds from landing or roosting in areas where they are not desired. The laser beam is directed towards the birds, creating a bright flashing light that is intended to startle or disorient them. The goal of a laser bird deterrent is to keep birds away from crops, buildings, and other structures without causing harm to the birds. Some laser bird deterrents are designed to be used manually, while others can be automated and integrated into a bird control system.

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