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Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.

Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.

Once you fill in this form, we will get in touch with you shortly, assess and solve your bird problem in the most effective way.


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Seagull control advices Best seagulls scarers

December 14, 2022 View:

The seagulls are a common sight along the coastlines of many countries, and they often appear in large numbers. They are known for their loud cries and scavenging habits.

Seagulls are scavengers and will often feed on garbage and other discarded items. As a nuisance to humans, they often scavenge for food in public areas and can become aggressive when they feel threatened. They can also cause damage to property, such as buildings and boats by defecating on them. Additionally, seagulls can spread diseases and parasites to humans and other animals. Therefore, it is important to repel seagulls in order to protect people, property, and the environment.

But most people don't know they also play an important role in the environment because they help keep the ecosystem balanced by eating small fish, insects, and other creatures that can become pests if left unchecked. They also help spread seeds from plants that grow near the shoreline, which helps maintain healthy habitats for other animals.

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How to keep the seagulls away while don't hurt them? Fortunately, there are several ways to deter seagulls from invading your space.

The first step in deterring seagulls is to make sure that all food is properly stored and disposed of. Seagulls are attracted to food sources, so it’s important to keep all food items in sealed containers or bags when not in use. Additionally, any leftovers should be disposed of in a trash can with a lid that seals tightly. But for some restaurants beside the sea, seagulls may continuously be attracted by the foods.

Another way to deter seagulls is by using bird sound repellent. Seagulls are sensitive to loud noises and will usually fly away when they hear them. There are several products on the market designed specifically for this purpose, such as bird repellent ultrasonic or sound machines that emit loud noises at regular intervals. Of course, the noise may make your place too much noisy.

You can also use chemical deterrents such as pepper spray or bird repellent sprays to keep seagulls away from your area. These products contain ingredients that irritate the birds’ eyes and noses and will cause them to fly away when they come into contact with them. However, it’s important to note that these products should only be used as a last resort since they may have adverse effects on other wildlife in the area.

Visual deterrents can also be effective at keeping seagulls away from your area. Placing reflective objects such as aluminum foil or shiny balloons around the perimeter of your space can help scare off the birds. Additionally, you can hang up fake owls or other predators near your area as a warning sign for the birds not to come too close. These are good for small areas, if you want to scare seagulls away from an open and large area, a laser bird deterrent is the recommended method, the working distance of one machine is 300~500 meters, the laser will stop and deter the seagulls without hurting them, totally quiet, automatic work day and night, it's becoming necessary tools for bird control work.


By following these tips, you can effectively deter seagulls from invading your space and enjoy your time outdoors without any unwanted visitors! Whether you're the owner of a restaurant, management of a Yacht Club, or any place bothered by seagulls, please contact our sales team (sales@laserdeterrent.com or WhatsApp:+8618550596602).

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